Young And The Restless Scoop June 26: Chelsea And Adam Reel After Connor Tries To Stab Himself – Jill Considers Taking Back Her Shares – Lily And Devon Bicker

Young And The Restless: Chelsea lashes out at Adam

Young And The Restless: Chelsea lashes out at Adam

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, June 26 reveals Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) and Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will be devastated, after a visit with Connor Newman (Judah Mackey).

Also coming up, Jill Abbott (Jess Walton) will tell Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) she’s having second thoughts about splitting up the companies. Plus, Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will play referee as Devon Winters (Bryton James) and Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) bicker. And Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd) will give Lily some food for thought.

Y&R spoilers tease Lily will ask Devon why she was interrogating her like she was a traitor. Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will agree. “Are you guys kidding?” Devon will say. “You know this whole thing isn’t going to work unless I sell it.”

Nate will tell Devon Lily’s got to sell her enthusiasm as much as he has to sell his skepticism. However, Devon will bring up the fact that Lily took a long time to let him know what Billy was up to in the first place. And he’ll say he thinks she’s lying to herself.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Lily Tells Her Brother He’s Condescending

“Do you know how condescending you sound?” Lily will ask. “If you don’t trust me, maybe I should reconsider joining you at Winters.” She’ll tell him he tries to control everyone and will look at Nate as she reminds her brother that Billy isn’t the only one who’s dealt with his dominance issues.

Y&R Scoop: Lily pushes back at Devon

At Society, Billy will meet with Chance, who’s worried about Jill. He’ll say Jill told him the medication is helping but he’ll ask Billy if she’s telling the truth. Billy will say he thinks she is. Then he’ll update him on the changes coming at Chancellor-Winters.

Chance will head to the office and ask Lily about splitting the companies. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m all in,” he’ll add. “I do look forward to working more closely with you.” He’ll say he’s tired of all the infighting and hope this solves it. After he leaves, Lily will look pensive.

As for Billy, he’ll get a video call from Jill, who will say she’s having second thoughts about unmerging Chancellor-Winters. She’ll say the companies together are very profitable and isn’t sure if it’d be worth splitting them up again.

“This is the only way to add the Abbott name to the company,” Billy will reply. But Billy’s response won’t convince Jill and she’ll call Lily and ask if she’s okay with this. “I may have to vote my own shares on this one,” she’ll tell her.

Meanwhile, Adam and Chelsea will arrive at their hotel room in Maryland, with Connor in tow. Adam will say it was a fantastic day, but they should get him back to the facility after they finish eating. “It’d be good if this day could last a week,” Connor will say enthusiastically.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Chelsea And Adam Hug Their Son

He’ll tell them some of the other kids there don’t get visits from their parents. Connor will also add that the place is really helping him. Then Adam, Chelsea and Connor will share a group hug before they drop him off at the medical facility.

Y&R Scoop: Chelsea and Adam hug Connor

When they return to their hotel, they’ll be elated about their son’s progress. Adam will talk about how tough it’s been on them both and they’ll agree that leaning on each other has really helped. Then they’ll embrace. Adam will call the Newman jet and ask them to have a bottle of champagne ready.

But a doctor will call Chelsea and ask if she can talk to them in person. Dr. Hammond (Nancy De Mayo) will arrive and Adam will say they just had a great visit with Connor, who was positive and optimistic about his progress.

“Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem,” the doctor will reply. Chelsea will ask what the problem is. And Dr. Hammond will say the OCD flared up because he was happy. “It triggered a negative response in Connor, a punishment.” She’ll add that he hit himself and tried to stab himself with a pen.

So, they moved him to inpatient status for his own protection. “He can’t leave the wing and he won’t see his regular doctors,” she’ll add. “I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear.”  After the doctor leaves, Adam will ask if they’re never allowed to have fun with Connor again. Chelsea will stay silent and he’ll ask her not to shut down. “I’m just trying to hold on here,” she’ll say. “Sounds like you want to pull me into one of your rage cycles.”

Finally, Chelsea will wonder if Connor’s been going through this his whole life and they just never noticed. “Maybe we’re just really two selfish people who never put our son first,” she’ll say. “How is this possible? He was so happy just a couple of hours ago.”

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